I want spak about Mexico city its the capital of Mexico which is located in Central America Mexico city has a population of 2o million people and is built on the ruin of a much older city colled tenochtitlan as you can imagine with all these people it can be busy and noisy and there is a lot of pollution and dirt the traffic can be terrible at times and causes smog which is a cloud of smoke that can sometimes make it difficult to breathe thats why Mexico city is known as the most polluted city in the world although the pollution is bad there are many good things about Mexico city for example there is a wonderful underground train or subway which can get you to many interesting places I enjoy going to the museo del Nino or the children's museum which has lots of things you can play with then there is the castle on grasshopper hill that used to be the home of emperor Maximilian you can always escape city life by going to walk and play in although in the summer it is too hot however the cooler winters are very nice
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